Jesus Is Not... |
There are many things, wondrous and glorious, that our Lord is - but unless you understand this one thing that He is not you will never have a right relationship with God. A message for all who are truly disciples of Christ. |
6:41 |
21 NOV 2015 |
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Trust In One |
There is only one person who you can truly trust. And no, it certainly isn't you! It is the One who is the Alpha and the Omega; it is He who is the great and mighty God. It is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. It is the One who loves you more than any other. It is the One who died for you and who lives to make intercession for you. Is that a good clue? |
6:30 |
14 NOV 2015 |
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Prepared For Anything |
In the face of all of the trials and tribulations of this world we are to be more than conquerors. John says that the victory that we have that overcomes the world is our faith. But that faith only comes from hearing God. Pray without ceasing, and let the best part of your prayer be the listening! |
7:13 |
7 NOV 2015 |
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Hoping to be Holy |
It is not just a desire, it is a process. Holiness, humility and hope are totally and intrinsically linked to each other. And faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is the glue that binds them together. |
6:13 |
31 OCT 2015 |
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Weapon of Mass Destruction |
No atomic bomb can begin to compare to the destruction that has been caused by the most powerful and dangerous weapon in the arsenal of the devil, the enemy of our souls – Pride. |
6:49 |
24 OCT 2015 |
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It Is Not Rocket Science |
Wisdom stands in the street and shouts, and the Lord roars from Zion so what we need to know is not a secret. He has clearly and simply told us. This is meant to be a reminder; this is solid food for the mature. What the Lord has given us is a light in the darkness. |
7:22 |
17 OCT 2015 |
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The Cleansing Fire |
There is a fire that cleanses; there is a fire that heals; there is a fire that manifests the awesome and mighty presence of the living God. Like Elijah on Mount Carmel, I am praying for the Lord to send that fire today! |
6:08 |
10 OCT 2015 |
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Showers of Blessing |
The old hymn says that there are showers of blessing from God - there is also another old, but far less known, pentecostal hymn that says, "I want to be under the spout where the blessings come out." This little video is about the Lord's plan for us to get into that place where we are drenched by His abundant and magnificent blessings! |
6:44 |
3 OCT 2015 |
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From The Root To The Fruit |
It all starts with a seed, a seed that bursts forth to give birth to a root that will ultimately bear fruit. In this case, it is good fruit - no, the best fruit. This is about cultivating life! |
6:26 |
26 SEP 2015 |
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Let's Scare The Serpents |
If you are a true Christian you have a ministry; every Christian does. You need to know what that ministry is and to fulfill it - and, of course, you need to scare the serpents. |
6:19 |
19 SEP 2015 |
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The Impassable, The Impossible |
It says in Psalm 91:1 "It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High" and that is surely true for He is our deliverer. However, it matters quite a bit on which side of your situation you choose to do that. Here is a famous case of rebellion that God's people often celebrate! |
7:00 |
12 SEP 2015 |
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My Heart's Desire |
In the world today we are surrounded by dissatisfied, disappointed, and disillusioned people. What they all lack is not 'stuff' but hope. The Lord wants us filled with joy, and He wants to give us the desire of our heart. This is the TRUE prosperity message... |
6:48 |
5 SEP 2015 |
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Respect or Power |
The apostle Paul wrote that the Lord has chosen the foolish things and the weak things of the world to shame the wise and the strong - but oh, how our flesh fears looking foolish and weak. That leads many to choose the approval, the respect, of the world at the cost of God's power working in their lives. |
7:10 |
29 AUG 2015 |
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It Takes Truth To Fly Straight |
If you are going to learn to fly you had better learn to trust the instruments rather than your senses. If you are going to "mount up with wings like eagles" {Isaiah 40:31} you had better learn to trust the word! |
7:05 |
22 AUG 2015 |
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Idols No More |
God is love, and love is patient. But to ask how long will the Lord tolerate idolatry in the "church" would be a fair question. I am sure that, as in the time of Elijah and Ahab, the Lord has kept a faithful remnant that has not 'bowed its knee to Baal. |
8:19 |
15 AUG 2015 |
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A Royal Priesthood |
Every true Christian has been called, anointed and ordained to the priesthood. It is not about being the 'spiritual elite' - it is about the heritage of the saints. It is about serving the living God under the only High Priest. |
6:22 |
8 AUG 2015 |
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God Drives A Volvo |
My cousin's five year old son figured it out all by himself; I have known pastors and theologians with post graduate degrees who still don't get this simple Biblical truth. It is not really about the car the Lord drives, but it is about the house He lives in! |
6:23 |
1 AUG 2015 |
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Built On Bad Theology |
The Tower of Babel was built on the plain of Shinar, but it failed because it was built on bad theology! And it is unfortunate that much of what the church has built over the years is set on that same foundation. Jesus said that He would build His church, but that foundation is the Rock. |
5:40 |
25 JUL 2015 |
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The Winds of Change |
Everything changes; either for better or for worse. God's call in our lives is an upward call towards glory, while the world is changing in a downward spiral headed for destruction. The only way out of the world's mess is to quit that life - to be born again! |
7:01 |
18 JUL 2015 |
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Holiness From A Holy Mess |
It's evangelism! It's God's plan! It may very well make a mess, but oh, what a glorious mess it will be. Here is the love of God and the word of God touching other lives all around us. By the way, don't worry, He will clean it up. |
8:24 |
4 JUL 2015 |
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Looking the Gift Horse in the Mouth |
This must be like the Trojan Horse, the 'gift' from the Greeks that was welcomed in through the impenetrable gates of Troy. Its purpose was to release destructive forces inside that city. In spite of the Scriptural warnings about our enemy's desire to introduce destructive heresies in the Church and take saints captive through philosophy, it seems as though we failed to look into the mouth - and the heart - of this one. |
8:56 |
27 JUN 2015 |
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Abundance and Prosperity |
There was abundance and prosperity - and yet there was a problem! It was a spiritual problem; no surprise there, they all are, but the solution was to deal with the symptom rather than the disease. The cure somehow got missed, "For (God's words) are life to those who find them, and health to all their body." (Proverbs 4:22) |
6:32 |
20 JUN 2015 |
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Little by Little |
Change is very good - when it makes us more like Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and yes forever. Change is very bad - when it makes us less and less like Him. Change is incremental - but may finally show up as a major event. Change is inevitable - but we each choose which direction that change will take us. |
7:14 |
13 JUN 2015 |
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Selfless Love |
The apostle Paul wrote to Timothy that the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. It is equally true that the goal of our giving should be about loving. For God so love the world that He gave.... |
6:19 |
5 JUN 2015 |
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