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If you are new to an area, new to the faith, or just being led by the Spirit of God to seek new fellowship — to find a church family to be a part of — you may find it a daunting task. A cross on the roof does not guarantee a cross in the preaching and teaching, and the word of the cross is the power of God! While you may, and should find some of your very best new friends in the right church, it is not a social club or organization that your spirit needs.

Big doesn’t necessarily mean better. A church can grow very big because it makes it far too easy for people to sit there without any commitment to the Lord or one another, and because it only preaches what the “the flesh” wants to hear. Remember, it only takes two or three to “have church.” The early church started by meeting from house to house—and many still do!

You need to find and become an active part of, a church with a good pastor, a shepherd with the annointing and heart of God. But it is Jesus, not the pastor who must be the focus in a congregation.

We do not endorse any particular church or denomination, we do however strongly believe that there are certain basic things that you should expect to find in any true Christian church:

The church should in its preaching, teaching and actions, proclaim the atoning work of Jesus Christ
The church should, empowered by the Holy Spirit, confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father
The church should consistently encourage you to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ
The church should in every way equip and encourage you to be more like Jesus Christ

If the fellowship that you are currently attending does not meet the above qualifications, please find a new one as quickly as possible! The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth that “bad company spoils good morals.” It is not about being nice people (or nice to people), it is about being seriously and solidly committed to the Lord!

Email: BibleTalk Office