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— BibleTalk Worldwide TV —
We are blessed to be able to use today's most modern technologies to carry an unchanging, ancient and eternal message of God's love and grace into all the world. Join us each week for the latest study or watch previous episodes on-demand at any time.

A weekly series of 30 minute web-casts studying God's word to find what
true Christianity should look like and act like, cutting away the
man-made doctrines, traditions, and superstitions
    2015                     2016 Program Information                     2017  2018  2019
Peace Beyond Understanding
Dec 30
In the face of conflict or tribulations, the peace of God offered to us through Jesus Christ will reign in the life of a believer — who actually believes. A fruit of the Spirit, it is indeed a peace, a calm, that passes all understanding and a peace that world does not have to give.
Joy Made Complete
Dec 23
There is a joy that is unshakable and unbreakable and it results in us being perfect, complete and lacking in nothing. It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and it is the evidence of a redeemed life.
Joy: The Fruit of the Spirit
Dec 16
Happiness is fleeting, it comes and it goes. Joy that is the fruit of the Spirit is steadfast, always there, because it is not dependent on our circumstances. It is about the presence of the Lord God Almighty whose Spirit dwells within us.
Love, Part 2: Fruit of the Spirit
Dec 9
We continue our look at the love that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is a love that the world does not have and cannot take away. It is love that only the living Word can generate. It is the power of God!
The Evidence of a Redeemed Life: Love
Dec 2
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the evidence of God's work in us, the result of His love displayed in Jesus on the cross. That love is the foundation of our relationship with Him and the foundation of the joy, the peace, the patience...all of the things that make our lives a blessing.
The Evidence of a Redeemed Life: Introduction
Nov 25
The single most important place for you and I to look as we search for real Christianity, true biblical faith, is in the mirror. Hopefully, as we examine ourselves we will see the evidence of Christ's redemption of our lives.
The Sermon on the Mount: Conclusion
Nov 11
This study is the end of the sermon that was the start - the beginning - of the teaching of Jesus to His disciples before sending them forth as the ambassadors for the Kingdom of God that we are all meant to be.
The Coming Storm
Nov 4
Jesus spoke this beautiful, powerful teaching to His disciples, preparing them to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. And at that time crowds gathered to listen to His words. The question becomes are you a disciple or just part of the crowd. There is a simple way to know...
Looking Good - Doing Bad
Oct 28
It may very well be one of the scariest verses in all of the Scriptures. People, many people, coming and telling the Lord Jesus all of the 'wonderful things' they have done in ministry - only to be told, "Depart from Me."
The Highway of Holiness
Oct 21
There is a road that leads to life. The prophet Isaiah called it the highway of holiness. The Lord Jesus leads on that path of righteousness, that narrow way that leads to the small gate that brings us to our glorious eternal destiny.
Correction and Discipleship
Oct 14
David prayed for the discipline of the Lord in his life and asked that 'his head would not refuse it.' Meanwhile, the dogs and the swine react violently against it. We should rejoice in God's discipline and correction in our life that continually makes us more and more like Jesus.
Judgment: A Plan for Discipleship
Oct 7
Once you know when you are not to judge then you will be led by the Spirit of Truth in discerning the sinful things, the evil acts and the schemes of the devil that seem to surround and abound in the church world today. (an oxymoron)
A Righteous Judgment
Sep 30
It is necessary for us to know who and when we must not judge so that we will know when the Lord demands that we do test, examine, try and - yes, judge. You can check with the saints in Ephesus or Thyatira to find what the Lord says about that!
A Time for Judgment
Sep 23
The Prelude: Believers are warned all through Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to guard against false apostles, prophets and teachers - particularly in the last days. While there are many things that we are not to judge, there are as many that we must to keep the wolves at bay!
Clothed in Righteousness
Sep 16
People spend amazing amounts of money for the latest fashions but the very best garments have already been purchased and paid for and the Lord gives them to us as a gift. Put them on and rejoice!
The Birds of the Air
Sep 9
Jesus gave a command, one that few Christians recognize as such, then asked a question, which few take time to answer. These may combine to be one of the most life-changing conversations a believer may ever have with the Lord.
The Currency of the Kingdom
Sep 2
Everybody has needs, everybody has desires. There are two sources, two who say they can provide those things. The Lord God Almighty who gave His only Son is one, and Mammon, the world's great deceit, is the other. You need to make the right choice.
Thine is the Glory
Aug 26
O, the wonder and the majesty of our God—the awesome God who will not share His glory with another. This is the perfect study to close our look at the model of prayer given to those who are the disciples our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thine is the Power
Aug 19
God is the source of all power - He is power! And Jesus has given His disciples the authority to use that power. So it is extremely important for us to remember that Jesus said that "From everyone who has been given much, much is required." We must be trustworthy stewards.
Thine is the Kingdom
Aug 12
As aliens and sojourners, we pass through the nations and kingdoms of this world as citizens and ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. We speak a different language and we have a different culture—at least we are supposed to as the Word tells us!
Deliver Us From Evil
Aug 5
Our adversary the devil, who goes about as a roaring lion, baits and sets traps to get us off a path that is straight and narrow and on to one that is broad and leads to death. The Lord, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, delivers us from the snare of that trapper—He is our Deliverer!
Forgive Us as We Forgive
July 29
The love of God has given us the perfect example of forgiveness — Christ and Him crucified. That same love, now within us, gives us the power to forgive, and thus block the schemes of the devil who desires to divide us—from each other, from Jesus and from God our Father.
Give Us This Day
July 8
Like manna in the wilderness, the Bread of Life was sent from above to provide for our need. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us that we might taste and see that the Lord is good - each day, every day.
Hallowed Be Thy Name
July 1
Calling upon the name of the Lord God Almighty to seek the fulfillment of His will, His purpose, and His direction in our lives will bring us to the most incredibly dynamic, power-filled prayer life we have ever known.
Our Father
June 24
This model of prayer for the disciples of the Lord is for those who can call upon Almighty God as 'Father' - but not everybody can! Most people are the sons of Adam and not the sons of God. Here is how to tell the difference.
Effective Praying
June 17
There are times when our prayers do not seem to penetrate the ceiling of the room we are in let alone reach up to heaven. This study looks at the reason why and how to 'cure' that. Jesus has the answer - Jesus is the answer!
Prayers of the Righteous
June 10
The apostle James said that the effective prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much. Our heavenly Father has made us righteous through the atoning work of Jesus. And Jesus has taught us what 'effective' prayer is.
Practicing Our Righteousness
June 3
Like faith that is required to bear the fruit of works, righteousness also needs to bring forth fruit; giving, praying, fasting and more. That has to be the practice of our lives and it must all be for His glory!
Training in Righteousness
May 27
Having been reedemed from the curse of the Law, which required us to give so much, we have now been moved by Jesus to the freedom of the Spirit which empowers us to give all!
Good God or Man It's Bad
May 20
Like habits, there are good traditions and bad traditions. The difference is where they originate. If the author is the Lord, they are good - if they are the invention of man, they are bad. There is a way to tell which is which and this study examines how to do just that.
The Tradition of Men
May 13
Jesus told the Pharisees and scribes that they worshipped God in vain as they taught their traditions, their doctrines, as if they were the commandments of God. Could that still be going on - and in the Church - just to make people comfortable?
You Have Heard It Said
May 6
Jesus was training His disciple to live according to the Word of God rather than by the tradition of men as He delivered the Sermon on the Mount. 2,000 years later we still need to hear and heed His word just as they did.
Blessed By Law
Apr 15
Moving from under the Law to riding the blessings of the Law. It is God's plan for our abundant life. It was paid for on the cross where the curse of the Law was broken.
The Law and the Prophets
Apr 8
One of the first major heresies of the early church tried to divide the Scriptures in two - and to divide the God of the Scriptures in two. The Law is still part of the church, but not the curse of the Law.
This Little Light of Mine
Apr 1
God's light for God's glory. The Spirit working in us and through us that the world might see Jesus clearly in the darkness of this present world. It is the great adventure!
Teaching from the Moon
Mar 25
King David 'considered' the moon and the stars and the Lord gave him such amazing revelation and understanding. It seemed like it might be a good idea for us to try it too. The Lord might show us something. We did, and He did!
Evangelism 101
Mar 18
The Lord has a plan for evangelism that often seems quite different from what we normally consider when we plan evangelism. God's plan is a lot more exciting, to say the least!
The Salt of the Earth
Mar 11
The saints of God add flavor to this tasteless world and preserve what is good in it. And the redeemed of the Lord should certainly cause the unsaved to thirst for the living waters that only the Lord can provide.
A Faithful Witness
Mar 4
The greatest opportunity that we have to show the truth of the gospel, the love, the mercy and the grace of God, is to pray FOR our enemies in the midst of persecution. It was that same love that poured forth from Jesus on the cross; 'Father, forgive them.'
Blessed to be Persecuted
Feb 26
The righteous are blessed when they are persecuted because it provides the opportunity to do what only the righteous can do - return good for evil and love for hatred. 'The tongue of the righteous is as choice silver,' and like silver bells, we give off a beautiful sound when struck!
The Sons of God
Feb 19
We, the children of God, are ambassadors of Christ bringing a message of a peace offering to the world. Jesus, of course was the offering, and the only path to peace. The way, the truth and the life -- that is the Prince of Peace.
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Feb 12
You cannot give what you do not have; so you have to be a peace-taker before you can be a peacemaker! We have to receive the peace that only Jesus can give in order to bring the peace that only Jesus can give into the lives of others.
A Consuming Obsession
Feb 5
Loving the Lord with ALL of our hearts, as we are commanded to do, will result in a consuming obsession with Him. It will cause us to have a total focus on God our Father, His son Jesus Christ, and the things of the Spirit. It will also bring down a holy fire to purify our hearts.
Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Jan 29
It is not so much about what you add to your life, nor is it just about what you do, as much as it is about what you take out of your life and what you stop doing. It is really about extracting the precious from the worthless.
Blessed are the Merciful
Jan 22
The word of the cross, which is the power of God, is the story of mercy. Jesus is literally the place where mercy pours forth to all who will receive it as the judgment of God was satisfied there at Calvary.
Choosing Satisfaction
Jan 15
People around the world are dissatisfied. Unhappy with their homes, their jobs, their governments, the car they have-or don't have, and so much more. It is a virtual plague! And yet, there is such a very simple solution; Choose satisfaction...
Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
Jan 8
This study, continuing on in the Sermon on the Mount, takes a close look at the driving, overwhelming desire that should outweigh all others. It is about a desire for a right relationship with our Father through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Inherit the Land
Jan 1
It is about the land of promise, the land flowing with milk and honey. It is about the inheritance of the meek who are humbled in the presence of our awesome God.
Directory of Programs From:  2015 or 2017

The Evidence of a Redeemed Life | The Schemes of the Devil
7 Churches of Revelation | Romans | 1 Thessalonians | John Chapter 11 | Steering Your Life | Prayer