The Wilderness Adventure |
When the Lord leads us to the wilderness it is often so our songs, our praises and our shouts of joy will not be dulled by the clanging noise of the junk, the dross and the cries of the world. And of course, so we can hear Him better!
6:48 |
12 DEC 2020 |
Upside-down — Right-side Up |
The Lord will turn a willing life upside down to make it right side up. And then He can use that life to spread His love and His word - seeds that will grow new life!
6:37 |
5 DEC 2020 |
In Pursuit of the Goal |
This, of course, requires understanding what the 'goal' is. That is very important if you want to be happy - and even far more important if you want to be blessed! There is a difference between the two, and only one leads to true joy.
7:12 |
28 NOV 2020 |
God's Word - Like A Rock |
His Word can be hard, but it only becomes difficult when you don't want to do it! The commandments were written on stone; the Word is written on a Rock. It is indeed the same yesterday, today, and yes forever. Let it bless you every day.
4:04 |
14 NOV 2020 |
Honey in the Rock Nutrition Facts |
This provides 100% of your daily health, faith and life needs when eaten regularly as directed. Simply eat and believe. It is very tasty,
"Your words were found and I ate them" {Jeremiah 15:16} |
6:35 |
7 NOV 2020 |
The Mighty Hand of God |
Peter said that we are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. If people do not obey, then the Lord, to whom nothing is impossible, will act to remind and encourage us. The severity and the kindness of God; one popular and one not but both certainly true! |
6:28 |
31 OCT 2020 |
From Father To Son |
It is written that the sins of the father are passed on to his children. Thankfully, we are being made the very righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. So now, lets make certain that we are passing righteousness on to our children. Bring up your children in The Way they should go! Proverbs 22:6 |
7:28 |
24 OCT 2020 |
A Sling, Some Stones, A Trusting Heart |
A little look at what we should do in the face of giant problems, and a very important look at what our God and Father does when we face giant problems. We really need to get this right! |
6:25 |
17 OCT 2020 |
Return and be Healed |
The Lord has a plan for life; one that often may look like a road to death. It is extreme discipline that He intends to restore and return a person to life eternal when they are headed on the wide easy way that leads to destruction! |
5:28 |
10 OCT 2020 |
Ordinary People |
Sinners born again as saints, transformed by the renewing of our minds...and yet, still ordinary people in the hands of an extraordinary God. Being molded and conformed into the image of His Son, yet still ordinary people with an extraordinary Lord. We are called to rejoice that it is no loger we who live but Christ who lives in us! |
6:24 |
3 OCT 2020 |
A Well Flavored Life |
Add a pinch of salt the chef says. Be the salt the Lord says! Contaminate it with the world the devil says. Jesus taught that if the salt looses its flavor it is good for nothing. |
6:09 |
26 SEP 2020 |
It's About Love |
The cost is everything so that you will lack nothing. The Lord wants us to get rid of the things that stand in the way of the treasure, to be able to say like the apostle Paul; 'But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. |
6:06 |
19 SEP 2020 |
Smoothing Out Life's Bumpy Road |
Life is a bumpy road, but the Lord can smooth the ride out for you. There is a spiritual shock absorber, and His name is Jesus Christ! |
6:18 |
12 SEP 2020 |
Pick and Arnold: Stang or Schwarzenegger |
You have your choice of weak or strong… but be careful because looks can be deceiving! If you don't believe me, just go ahead and ask Delilah or the Philistines. |
6:57 |
5 SEP 2020 |
Built on Bad Theology |
The Tower of Babel was built on the plain of Shinar. It failed because it was built on bad theology! And it is unfortunate that much of what the church has built over the years has been set on that same foundation. Jesus said that He would build His church, but its foundation is the Rock. |
5:39 |
29 AUG 2020 |
Blessed by Intolerance |
Once you have started it is incredibly hard to stop—but we had better! We have to learn to not tolerate tolerance of sin in our lives. For certain our Father and Jesus will not. Just ask Jezebel! |
7:27 |
22 AUG 2020 |
Better, Not Bigger |
The Lord still chooses the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong. It is about His glory being seen in and through our lives - even when, or especially when, we face the giants who come against us. |
6:24 |
15 AUG 2020 |
Programming 101 |
Computer programmers all know that the basic code, regardless of the program, always boils down to, "if, then or else" - It's the way the Lord designed everything! |
5:31 |
8 AUG 2020 |
The Wise Fool |
Being wise enough to choose to look foolish may be the greatest example of wisdom there is. Not being afraid to look foolish may be the greatest strength there is. If you don't believe me, check with my dear brother, Paul. |
6:01 |
1 AUG 2020 |
God Drives A Volvo |
My cousin's five year old son figured it out all by himself; I have known pastors and theologians with post graduate degrees who still don't get this simple Biblical truth. It is not really about the car the Lord drives, but it is about the house He lives in! |
6:23 |
25 JUL 2020 |
A Night in the Mission Field |
Somebody had to do it; somebody had to go. Paul the apostle had said to the Lord like Isaiah did, "Here am I, send me." So the Lord answered him and sent him. Uh-Oh! |
5:23 |
18 JUL 2020 |
A Love Affair to Remember |
It is indeed a love affair and we are to be diligent in our devotion to the lover of our souls, Jesus Christ. God the Father sent you and I flowers - the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley - this is about romance. |
7:15 |
11 JUL 2020 |
The Meditteranean Cruise |
Storms arise, snakes and scorpions show up—trials and tribulations abound! However, we can shake them off and keep on going as we walk in the promises of God on the way to the promised land. And, hallelujah, praise the Lord, then the journey will become a faith-building, God-glorifying adventure in your life! |
5:47 |
4 JUL 2020 |
A Fan of the Word |
If you are a fan of the local football team, wear their colors, talk about them all the time, always bring them up in conversation, that will not bother anybody—unless of course they don't care about football or, worse yet, are a fan of a different team. If you are a fan(atic) of Jesus Christ, that will not bother anybody--unless of course... |
6:02 |
27 JUN 2020 |
Together in Love |
The Lord has a plan to be make us complete, to perfect us—and it is a simple plan—love Him and love one another. Satan has a plan to destroy us, and it too is a simple plan—get us to disagree, dislike and divide us from one another. Which will you choose to follow? |
6:59 |
20 JUN 2020 |
Almost (but not quite) Real |
No fear of the Lord, no word of the cross, no self-denial, no 'love your enemy' - and there will be no Jesus! Like the church of Laodicea in Revelation 3 He will be outside and the people gathered inside (but not in His name) do not even notice. They just boast on how great they are doing. It's virtual reality. |
6:05 |
13 JUN 2020 |
Passing Pleasure or Eternal Treaasure? |
All of life is about choices. For the believer this topic may be the single most important. We should choose to follow the example of Moses and Paul and the teaching of Jesus our Lord rather than seeking the pleasures and treasures of Egypt. |
6:02 |
6 JUN 2020 |
Only by the Blood |
You cannot tithe enough, give enough, be nice enough, go to 'church' enough--as a matter of fact there is nothing you can do to earn salvation. And the best part is you don't have to. It is the free gift of God--free to us but not for Him. We were purchased with a price. It took the shed blood of Jesus to pay for that gift to us! |
6:34 |
30 MAY 2020 |
High Powered Living |
Problems, problems, problems! Give thanks to God that there are answers, answers, and answers. They are praise, thanksgiving and rejoicing - all in the glorious name of Jesus. |
6:43 |
23 MAY 2020 |
Education 101 |
The Jews were astonished by Jesus' teaching and asked where He had gotten such education. Likewise, the question for believers in our day is, where do we get our education? There is only one correct answer! |
6:27 |
16 MAY 2020 |
A Burning Heart |
You can have a burning heart, the fire of God that will light up your life, or you can have heart burn, a terrible pain and discomfort that the world simply cannot fix. Best to choose the fire. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, you will come out smelling like a rose! |
6:44 |
9 MAY 2020 |
I Surrender All |
The evidence of our redeemed life in Christ is Christ in us! When we are surrendering all and there is nothing of us but all of Jesus, then the world will know that we are the redeemed of the Lord. And that, to the glory of God our Father! |
7:17 |
2 MAY 2020 |
The Language of the Kingdom |
What you speak and how you say it will identify where you are from; The United States, England, Spain, Germany, etc.,etc. It will also let people know whether you are a part of the Kingdom of God or of the kingdom of this world. |
6:14 |
25 APR 2020 |
It Really Is Earthshaking! | The Lord has in the past, and will again, shake the earth. He may just be trying to get the attention of the lost who are not listening, His own people who need to be stirred to move in the right direction and to also pay attention, and to remind us all that He is still in control. |
6:07 |
18 APR 2020 |
ALWAYS Carry a Weapon! | The weapons of our warfare are divinely powerful and are to be with you at all times, but not to be carried concealed! Keep that sword sharp and at the ready because your enemy is on the prowl. |
6:07 |
11 APR 2020 |
Not Arrogance, Blessed Assurance | One of the traits of people in the perilous last days is that they will be arrogant, filled with pride. One of the traits of those believers who know--really know--Jesus is humility and a total assurance of what they believe. It is unshakable, glorious faith. |
6:05 |
4 APR 2020 |
Oh, the Glory! | Look at the mountains, look at the sky, look at the sea and what do you see? I pray that you see the glory of God! His majesty, His power, His nature are truly evident in all that He has created - to those with the eyes of their hearts open to see. |
6:24 |
28 MAR 2020 |
The Mighty Hand of God | Peter said that we are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. If people do not obey, then the Lord, to whom nothing is impossible, will act to remind and encourage us. The severity and the kindness of God; one popular and one not but both certainly true! |
6:28 |
21 MAR 2020 |
Forget This At Your Peril! | There are many things you might forget, like where you parked the car when you went into the store, and that can cause great inconvenience. Forget this all important truth that Paul taught Timothy in his 2nd letter and you will pay a much higher price! |
5:55 |
7 MAR 2020 |
Used For His Glory | A humble heart will always lead a person to seek to live a life that glorifies the Lord God. Pride in a persons life will cause them to try to take the glory from God. And the Word says that the Lord will not give His glory to another! |
6:04 |
29 FEB 2020 |
The Value of a Thing | What something is worth is basically established by what someone is willing to pay for it. Certainly, your value is based on what SomeOne was willing to pay for you, for indeed, you were purchased with a price—a great price!! |
5:23 |
22 FEB 2020 |
Change Is In The Wind | Everything changes; either for better or for worse. God's call in our lives is an upward call towards glory, while the world is changing in a downward spiral headed for destruction. The only way out of the world's mess is to quit that life - to be born again! |
7:00 |
15 FEB 2020 |
Judgmental or Noble-minded? | It is time for believers to be 'noble-minded' as the Bereans were and to test everything that is being preached, taught and prophesied in the body of Christ today. Hardly evil judgment, it is following the example and the commandment of Jesus, the Word made flesh who still dwells among us. |
6:29 |
8 FEB 2020 |
Kingdom Representatives | Not only the salt of the earth and the light of the world, we are Ambassadors for Christ representing the kingdom of heaven here on earth; and we need to do it well! |
6:03 |
1 FEB 2020 |
Let's Take A Vote | Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Democracy, Oligarchy, Republics, Dictatorships - Whew! A long list of names for different parts of the same world system. And it is one that is coming apart and coming to an end… |
5:39 |
25 JAN 2020 |
What Do You Want? | Can you imagine what it would be like for God to ask you, "What do you want Me to do for you?" You don't really have to imagine because that is exactly what He has done, and what Jesus also said. The only caution is that you had better be careful, make that prayerful, about what you ask for! |
7:00 |
18 JAN 2020 |
Trust In One |
There is only one person who you can truly trust. And no, it certainly isn't you! It is the One who is the Alpha and the Omega; it is He who is the great and mighty God. It is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. It is the One who loves you more than any other. It is the One who died for you and who lives to make intercession for you. Is that a good clue? |
6:30 |
11 JAN 2020 |
Love Beyond Boundaries |
Natural, human love is restricted in its reach. God's supernatural love, poured into our hearts through His Holy Spirit, knows no bounds. It has an ever expanding radius in and through our lives. |
6:04 |
4 JAN 2020 |
Optical Illusion |
You will not believe your eyes! And, of course, you are not even supposed to. It is far better to have real power than to know how to do magic. Not smoke and mirrors, here is where that real power is... |
7:06 |
28 DEC 2019 |
The Birth of the Messiah |
We originally filmed this short video in 2009, 10 years ago; it is still totally appropriate for today. Let's take a good look at the real reason for the season - you and me! |
7:31 |
21 DEC 2019 |
Away with the Idols |
Anyone who has not fixed their eyes on Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, will turn their eyes on statues, pictures, famous people and every other idol that the enemy can conjure up. It is a habit as old as sin itself. God still does not like it! |
6:14 |
14 DEC 2019 |
Desperate Times-Simple Answers |
In these desperate times when so many people are in despair, having lost hope in all that the world promises but does not deliver, there is a simple answer. It is about a hope that does not disappoint. Simple truths for complex times, all in God's love and His word. |
6:58 |
7 DEC 2019 |
The Unlimited Supply |
Our God has promised to meet ALL of our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. That is His promise, that is His word; and He watches over His word to perform it so that no good promise that He has promised has failed to come to pass. Just remember, it's 'needs'... He does indeed want to give us the desires of our hearts, but He should BE the desire of our hearts! |
6:15 |
30 NOV 2019 |
Pre-Prayered for the Coming Storm |
We all face the storms of life, we don't all deal with them the same way! There is a way that leads to life and victory. Paul the apostle certainly knew that way, and we can all learn from him -- it leads from momentary light afflictions to the eternal weight of glory. |
8:02 |
23 NOV 2019 |
Righteous, Radical Thinking |
To follow Jesus requires a new way of thinking accompanied by a new lifestyle. The best way--perhaps the only way--to describe it can be summed up in one word: Radical! Not a very popular word in this day and age. |
6:27 |
16 NOV 2019 |
Foolish World |
The Scriptures say that the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing—to the world. But to us who believe it is the power of God. It is clearer than ever today that we need the power of God—so it should also be equally clear that we need the word of the cross! |
5:13 |
9 NOV 2019 |
Walking in the Newness of Life |
God through His amazing grace has given us new life in Christ Jesus. He has also given us the power to live a new lifestyle to accompany it. |
6:31 |
2 NOV 2019 |
Gifts Minus Fruit Equal Nothing |
It may not sound like good arithmetic, but it is great theology. Just add it all up and then check your answer with the Teacher. |
6:56 |
26 OCT 2019 |
One Mind, One Voice |
When we are of the same mind, the mind of Christ, we will indeed, in one accord, lift that one voice to glorify the God and Father of Jesus. Our union will bring the most beautiful music that the world will ever know. It is time to do just that! |
6:31 |
19 OCT 2019 |
Free Blessings for Sale |
Jesus said that we could take the water of life without cost but it certainly seems to be offered for sale in an awful lot of places. The blessings of God are free, already paid for by the blood of Jesus, and they are on sale today 'on special'. |
6:06 |
12 OCT 2019 |
The Children of Abba |
It is good to be nice, and it is nice to be good—but the only way to enter the Kingdom of God is to be part of the family! We need to be able to call the Father 'Abba' and Jesus 'Brother' or we cannot enter, no matter how religious we are. |
7:16 |
5 OCT 2019 |
Meet My Travel Agent |
This is about Saint Me and Saint you. This is about God's plans rather than ours. This is about the Lord both willing and working His good pleasure; and by the way, for our good. |
4:38 |
28 SEP 2019 |
Rejoice in the Lord - ALWAYS! |
It's not about how you feel, it's always about the choices you make. Jesus came that you might have joy - even in tough times and the Holy Spirit within you bears that fruit in your life. |
4:13 |
21 SEP 2019 |
Protect Your Heart |
So much heart disease in these days! Protect your heart, put on the breastplate of righteousness - of faith and love - so you can stand fast against the schemes of the devil. Just do the math! |
6:05 |
14 SEP 2019 |
Purple Grass |
They say that the grass is always greener on the other side—but even on the new side of life, it is not unusual for it to still look purple! Thank the Lord that we walk by faith and not by sight. |
4:21 |
7 SEP 2019 |
Christianity Is... |
If you randomly ask 100 people what Christianity is you will probably get 110 different answers. And the chances are good that almost all of them will be wrong! We need to change the way we think. |
4:30 |
31 AUG 2019 |
Pictionary and True Love |
How would you tell people about the true "Love Story" with one little picture? I did and it upset people, Christian brothers and sisters! |
4:25 |
24 AUG 2019 |
Deserted by Many, But Never Alone |
When the going gets tough, or the Word gets difficult, many may leave you but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. When you are willing to walk that straight and narrow path you will never have to walk it alone. |
6:55 |
17 AUG 2019 |
The Way Back |
There is a way that leads to life—His name is Jesus! A lovely old hymn says, 'Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling' -- at times it may not seem soft or tender, but it always is. It is the love of God at work to get sinners to come home because He desires that none should perish. |
6:57 |
10 AUG 2019 |
Ordinary People |
Sinners born again as saints, transformed by the renewing of our minds...and yet, still ordinary people in the hands of an extraordinary God. Being molded and conformed into the image of His Son, yet still ordinary people with an extraordinary Lord. We are called to rejoice that it is no longer we who live but Christ who lives in us! |
6:25 |
3 AUG 2019 |
The Hope Assembly Line |
God has a plan (He always does) to build our hope up. It starts with tribulation so that we learn to persevere! We have to be very serious and trust in His love in order to be filled with the joy that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the peaceful fruit of righteousness. |
6:32 |
27 JUL 2019 |
To Love the Unlikeable |
Can you bear this? Many of Jesus' disciples withdrew and stopped walking with Him because His words were too difficult. So He asked the twelve (and now us), 'Will you also go away?' It is easy to love those who love you, but how about the unlovable—even the unlikeable. A difficult truth, but truth nonetheless. |
7:08 |
20 JUL 2019 |
God Chose the Foolish and Weak |
It is not about the package, it is about the content. Our Father has chosen a people who, like His Son when He walked this earth, have no appearance that men should be drawn to them until and unless that treasure we carry becomes apparent. It is His love, joy, peace.... |
6:27 |
13 JUL 2019 |
It Isn't Rocket Science |
Wisdom stands in the street and shouts, and the Lord roars from Zion so what we need to know is also not a secret. He has clearly and simply told us. This is meant to be a reminder; this is solid food for the mature. What the Lord has given us is a light in the darkness. |
7:21 |
6 JUL 2019 |
Molding the Clay |
The Father loves us just as we are - and He loves enough to not leave us just the way we are! He, the Potter, is molding us into something wonderful and glorious - the image of His Son Christ Jesus. |
6:39 |
29 JUN 2019 |
Thy Will Be Done |
When our prayers change from trying to change God's mind to having Him change our hearts, our prayer life will be changed, becoming filled with power. Praying will become a habit, a joy - and the most effective tool in our spiritual arsenal. It will sharpen the Sword! |
6:41 |
22 JUN 2019 |
Living in Style |
New life in Christ Jesus should bring with it a new lifestyle. It is all about choosing to walk according to the Spirit rather than according to the flesh, dressed in robes of righteousness! |
6:11 |
15 JUN 2019 |
Straught From The Temple |
As ambassadors of Christ we are to bring the message of the Kingdom of God to the world where we are 'posted'. It is a message of the redeeming love of the Lord. It has to come out of our buildings and into the highways and byways. |
4:47 |
8 JUN 2019 |
The Command, The Question |
Jesus asked His disciples a question and certainly expects an answer. The way we respond to that query today will determine whether or not we walk in the fullness of His blessings. All too many Christians do not even realize that the answer to this question is evident in all that we do! |
5:50 |
1 JUN 2019 |
The Greatest Calling |
There is no higher calling from the Lord in our lives than to bow down low! To humble ourselves to serve Him — and to serve each other with the love that God has poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Like Jesus Himself while on earth, to serve and not to be served. |
5:11 |
18 MAY 2019 |
Do You Hear What I Hear |
God's word: You will either walk in it or you will walk away from it. In these perilous days the choice you make is a matter of life and death--and we are commanded to choose life. The Word is the true health food! |
6:00 |
11 MAY 2019 |
God and Man at Table |
A right relationship with the Lord God makes possible a right relationship with other people. Without the first the second is more than just tough - it borders on the impossible. |
4:12 |
4 MAY 2019 |
Meekness and Majesty |
Real power and strength - the mark of a man - is not about who you can beat up, but about who you can lift up. It is about strength of character and the power to love. It is about the strength of Jesus Christ and the love of God! |
6:15 |
27 APR 2019 |
Prophet - A Killer Job |
Lies, dirty lies and the lying prophets who profit from them. And then there are the true prophets of God, proclaimers of truth, who pay the ultimate price for declaring His word. They are the ones, along with those who heed those words, who will have the eternal profit -- life everlasting with the Lord. |
6:53 |
20 APR 2019 |
You Can't Fool God |
They say that you can't fool mother nature, and that is true--because there is no mother nature--there is only Father God! That said, He is the only one you have to please. And it is true because you can't fool God! Even the wind and the sea obey Jesus. {Matthew 8:27} |
5:52 |
13 APR 2019 |
Revelation and Understanding |
You can see a thing (revelation) and yet not understand it, and when you do come to understand it - that's only the beginning. There is still more and more understanding to be had…. |
6:26 |
6 APR 2019 |
Glorious Prison Break |
The chains and the bars could not stop Paul and Silas, and the prison walls certainly could not stop the Word or the work of God! This was an example of a true prison ministry, with a jailbreak planned and carried out by the Lord. Our God will shake heaven and earth to deliver us--nothing is impossible with Him. |
6:36 |
30 MAR 2019 |
Entrusting to the Lord |
What do we have to offer God? Everything we have or are is already His. Are we motivated to give by our love or by our greed? A hard, but necessary question in these perilous days when men are lovers of self and lovers of money. |
6:05 |
23 MAR 2019 |
Death has been Abolished |
Let's all celebrate—death has been canceled, death has been abolished! Well, maybe we cannot all celebrate. Jesus said to Martha that everyone who believes in Him will never die. And then He said to her, "Do you believe this?" That, Mr. William Shakespeare is the real question that determines if "you will be or not be." Quite the question for today. |
6:20 |
9 MAR 2019 |
In the Fulness of Time |
Revealed throughout the ages, made manifest in the fulness of time. The Lord's timing is not like ours. To Him one day is like a thousand years--and yet His timing is always perfect. This proves it! |
4:44 |
2 MAR 2019 |
Dealing with Offense |
Did somebody hurt your feelings? Poor baby! Perhaps now the Lord will bless you and let your feelings die. May they pass away and let your spirit fully live the life, the new life, that God Almighty gave you as a gift. It cost Jesus on the cross to purchase that gift for you. |
8:08 |
23 FEB 2019 |
What a Character! |
In an age when character is so visibly lacking in our culture, it does us well to remember that the Lord has a plan to build godly, Christian character in us. The problem may be that we just don't like the plan! Remember that He said, "'For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11) |
3:55 |
16 FEB 2019 |
Sanctified Strangeness |
What has become commonplace in the world, greed, pornography, unwholesome language, a complete self-focus, etc., etc. is very strange to me. But I have come to notice that the people in the world find me, with a life led by the Spirit of God, different and extremely strange. A Holy difference, sanctified strangeness. |
5:13 |
9 FEB 2019 |
Excited About the Lord |
What exactly excites you? Love, true love, will make your heart beat faster. It will put a spring in your step. It will make you wake up eager for the day ahead. It will make the mundane things of this world seem insignificant and marvelous. And that will certainly happen if the love of God is what excites you. |
4:59 |
2 FEB 2019 |
The Test Becomes the Testimony |
When we confess that our God is in control and trust in Him, every test we face will become a glorious testimony of His faithfulness, love and power! It will all work for our good and, more importantly, for His glory just as He has promised. |
5:29 |
26 JAN 2019 |
Counter Culture |
What Christians are should stand in stark contrast to what the world does. We have been given new life that brings with it a new lifestyle, and it should be noticeable! |
6:17 |
19 JAN 2019 |
Just a Face in the Crowd? |
Crowds followed Jesus, disciples followed the Son of God who had the words of eternal life. Crowds left Jesus when His word became too difficult, disciples endure until the end. Crowds have an experience, disciples have a testimony! |
5:46 |
12 JAN 2019 |
Confidence in God's Timing |
Jesus showed up at Lazarus' tomb after he had been dead and buried for four days. His timing was perfect! When Jesus was on the way to raise Jairus' daughter from death, an interruption along the way did not make him late. When Christians become impatient, it is because they have forgotten that the Lord's time is always perfect, the right time. |
5:50 |
5 JAN 2019 |
Better Than New Year's Resolutions |
You can decide to change yourself, make yourself better, or you can get real and, like David, ask the Lord to change you. He know exactly what you should be, and He can mold, shape and change a willing heart perfecting you in the process. |
6:38 |
29 DEC 2018 |
A Magnificent Obsession |
Living a life totally dedicated to and fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ is a life filled with true abundance, with riches that are greater than silver or gold. Anything else is vanity, empty and unfulfilled. |
6:38 |
22 DEC 2018 |
Faith in Action |
It is clear that salvation, the free gift of God, comes by faith in the Word who was made flesh and dwelt among us, in the work that He did. But it is also clear that true faith will always be seen through our actions. Indeed, we have to both trust and obey, there is no other way. |
5:59 |
1 DEC 2018 |
Ministry is... |
Ask a lot of Christians what ministry is and you are likely to get a lot of different answers. A more important question is who is supposed to minister; and what are the qualifications? This little video will hopefully help to answer both of those questions. And yes, it is important. |
6:55 |
24 NOV 2018 |
Almost (but not quite) Real |
No fear of the Lord, no word of the cross, no self-denial, no 'love your enemy' - and there will be no Jesus! Like the church of Laodicea in Revelation 3 He will be outside and the people gathered inside (but not in His name) do no even notice. They just boast on how great they are doing. It's virtual reality. |
6:05 |
17 NOV 2018 |
Faithful One |
Jesus said to His followers and to the twelve, 'Be careful what you listen to.' He often speaks the Word of truth to us in that still small voice, while in the world there is a liar who absolutely screams his lies at us. You may recognize that liar by his picture; though it may look like George Washington, Ben Franklin or even the Queen of England on the face of it! |
6:29 |
10 NOV 2018 |
What Do You Want? |
Can you imagine what it would be like for God to ask you, "What do you want Me to do for you?" You don't really have to imagine because that is exactly what He has done, and what Jesus also said. The only caution is that you had better be careful, make that prayerful, about what you ask for! |
7:01 |
3 NOV 2018 |
Victory in Jesus |
This becomes very practical when you are mistreated, abused, and not valued-especially in the workplace. The Lord has a way for you to deal with those people who treat you like that, and the secret is right in here. When we choose to do things His way there truly is victory in Jesus! |
6:31 |
27 OCT 2018 |
Dying to Selfies |
We are living in the age of 'selfies' which should be a clear indication of how focused people have become on themselves. As a matter of fact the new cameras all do the focusing for you - but not on Jesus who we are commanded to fix our eyes upon. |
5:39 |
13 OCT 2018 |
Forget This At Your Peril |
There are many things you might forget, like where you parked the car when you went into the store, and that can cause great inconvenience. Forget the all important truth that Paul taught Timothy in his 2nd letter and you will pay a much higher price! |
5:55 |
25 AUG 2018 |
Pay Close Attention |
We all need to listen carefully and heed what the Lord says to us. Our lives depend on it! His words are the words of eternal life as the apostles said and we place ourselves at risk if they do not guide our beliefs and our actions. |
6:01 |
18 AUG 2018 |
Fables, Tall Tales and Other Lies |
Satan, the father of lies works hard to craft his lies into acceptable fables, but the truth is out there: His name is Jesus. Don't be fooled and don't be conned. As King David prayed, 'Teach me Your way, O Lord, I will walk in your truth...' {Psalm 86:11} |
5:51 |
11 AUG 2018 |
God's Word - Like a Rock |
His Word can be hard, but it only becomes difficult when you don't want to do it! The commandments were written on stone; the Word is written on a Rock. It is, He is, indeed the same yesterday, today, and yes forever. Let it bless you every day. |
4:04 |
4 AUG 2018 |
The Good Dictator |
Jesus said that only God is good; and it is true without doubt that He is the only good dictator. He is after all the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Great I Am, the way the truth and the life, and as has been said, He is the lover of my soul. |
6:12 |
28 JUL 2018 |
Foolish World |
The Scriptures say that the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, to the world, but to us it is the power of God. It is clearer than ever today that believers need the power of God—we need the word of the cross! |
5:11 |
21 JUL 2018 |
Don't Pray to Ralph |
You may ask yourself, "Who is Ralph?" And that would probably be what the Lord would be asking too. He might also ask you "Why?" After all, you have, if you are a child of God, direct access to the throne of God the Father through Jesus Christ--make sure that you use it! |
5:55 |
14 JUL 2018 |
Return and Be Healed |
The Lord has a plan for life; one that often may look like a road to death. It is extreme discipline that He intends to restore and return a person to life eternal when they are headed on the wide easy way that leads to destruction! |
5:28 |
7 JUL 2018 |
Liberty and the Symbol of Freedom |
This is a video that I filmed in 2009 that resulted from a July 1984 advertisement in TIME and many other magazines that so missed the truth that I wrote to the corporate sponsor back then. This message is a look back at that letter and the response that was sent back to me. |
8:11 |
30 JUN 2018 |