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Click on an image below to view the photos:

Loading the bus for
the ride to Kribi


Waiting on the bus
for the ride to Kribi ...

Still waiting on the bus
for the ride to Kribi
  Apostle Abraham
joins us for the wait

Arriving at the church

  Allen preaches the
first service
We all check into
the hotel
  Arnold meets us
at the hotel
The local shopping center   Services really get
going - it's great
The congregation responds   Serious praying time
Alice prays with
the children
  One of the many
local mosques
A group photo at the
pastor's house
  On the Gulf of Guinea
A short break from
the services
  Visiting with local
fishermen - not Galilee
Alice shares with
a little girl
  Chike and Liel
Kim with a little girl   We get pretty African
Light will shine out
of darkness
  Bishop Chris shares
a great message
At the pastor's house   An ordination service
More Photos:  Yaounde :: Douala :: N'Gaoundere :: The Pygmies :: Allen McDaniel    


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