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Click on an image below to view a series of photos:

Starting out from the Yaounde train station ... (4 photos)  

A "first class" ride to remember ... (7 photos)  
N'Gaoundere - a city of mosques ... (4 photos)  
Our "no prostitution" peaceful hotel ... (3 photos)  
The most "beautiful building" in town - the Church ... (4 photos)  
Fellowship and ministry at the hotel ... (5 photos)  
Some strret scenes from sub-Saharan N'Gaoundere ... (5 photos)  
An invitation to visit with the Muslim Lamadi ... (7 photos)  
Waiting at the train station to return to Yaounde ... (1 photo)  
More Photos:  Yaounde :: Douala :: Kribi :: The Pygmies :: Allen McDaniel    


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